Performs search for available data in _scenario_ object.
dataType = c("parameters", "variables"),
setsNames_ = NULL,
valueColumn = TRUE,
allSets = TRUE, = FALSE,
add_weights = "auto",
dropEmpty = TRUE,
dfDim = TRUE,
dfNames = TRUE,
asMatrix = FALSE
- scen
object _scenario_ with model solution.
- dataType
type of data to lok for (currently only "parameters" and "variables").
- setsNames_
regular expression pattern for names of sets which will be included in search.
- valueColumn
logical, if TRUE will return variables and parameters with 'value' column (to filter sets and mappings).
- allSets
logical, if TRUE _and_ operator should be used in search the sets, _or_ will be used if FALSE.
grepl parameter for matching names.
- dropEmpty
logical, if TRUE drops parameters and variables with zero length.
- dfDim
logical, if TRUE returns dimension _dim_.
- dfNames
logical, when TRUE returns names of the data frame column.
- asMatrix
return results as a matrix (not implemented).