Create (equality or inequality) constraint object
desc = "",
eq = "==",
rhs = data.frame(),
for.each = NULL,
defVal = NULL,
interpolation = "inter",
replace_zerros = 1e-20,
arg = NULL
- name
Name of the constrain object (will be used in GAMS or GLPK as an element in sets)
- ...
Left-hand side (LHS) terms of the statement - list objects with
- eq
Type of the relation ('==' default, '<=', '>=')
- rhs
a numeric value, list or data frame with sets and numeric values for each constraint. Warning: zero values will be replaced with `1e-20` to avoid ignoring them by the current interpolation algorithms.
- for.each
list with sets for which constraint will be created.
- defVal
the default value for the `rhs`.
- interpolation
interpolation rule for the constraint. Recognized values, any combination of "back", "inter", "forth", indicating the direction of interpolation. The default value is "inter".
- arg