A commodity is a good or service that is produced and consumed in the model.
The commodity class is used to store information about the commodity.
All processes in the model operate on commodities, i.e. they either generate,
produce, consume, transform, store, or transport commodities.
The creation of a commodity object is done with the newCommodity
character. Name of the commodity.
character. Optional description of the commodity for reference.
factor or character. The limit type of the commodity in balance equation, "LO", "UP", or "FX". "LO" by default, meaning that the level of commodity in the model is restricted with the lower bound, excess is allowed. "UP" means that the level of commodity cannot exceed the upper bound. "FX" means that total commudity supply and demand are equal, no excess or deficit is allowed.
character. The default time-frame this commodity operates in the model. The lowest timeframe in the model is used by default.
character. The main unit of the commodity used in the model.
data.frame. Emissions factors related to the commodity consumption (if "combustion" parameter of a technology which consumes the commodity is > 0).
- comm
character. Name of the emitted commodity.
- unit
character. Unit of the emission factor.
- emis
numeric. Emission factor, emissions released per unit of the consumed commodity.
data.frame. Used to define an aggregation of several commodities into the
commodity.- comm
character. Name of a commodity being aggregated.
- unit
character. Unit of the commodity being aggregated.
- agg
numeric. weight of the commodity in the aggregation, must be set for all aggregated commodities.
list. List of additional parameters that are not used in the model but can be used for reference or user-defined functions. For example, links to the source of the commodity data, or other metadata.