An S4 class to represent storage type of technological process.
Storage type of technological processes with accumulating capacity of a commodity.
Storage can be used in combination with other processes, such as technologies, supply, or demand to represent complex technological chains, demand or supply technologies with time-shift. Operation of storage includes accumulation, storing, and release of the stored commodity. The storing cycle operates on the ordered time-slices of the commodity timeframe. The cycle is looped either on an annual basis (last time-slice of a year follows the first time slice of the same year) or within the parent time-frame (for example, when commodity time-frame is "HOUR" and the parent time-frame is "DAY" then the storage cycle will be a calendar day).
character. Name of the storage (used in sets).
character. Description of the storage.
character. Name of the stored commodity.
data.frame. Auxiliary commodities.
- acomm
character. Name of the auxiliary commodity (used in sets).
- unit
character. Unit of the auxiliary commodity.
character. Region where the storage technology exists or can be installed.
data.frame. Start year when the storage is available for installation.
- region
character. Regions where the storage is available for investment.
- start
integer. The first year when the storage is available for investment.
data.frame. Last year when the storage is available for investment.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- end
integer. The last year when the storage is available for investment.
data.frame. Operational life of the storage technology, applicable to the new investment only, the operational life (retirement) of preexiting capacity is described in the
slot.- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- olife
integer. Operational life of the storage technology in years.
data.frame. Capacity parameters of the storage technology.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- cap
numeric. Capacity of the storage technology.
- cap.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the storage capacity.
- cap.up
numeric. Upper bound of the storage capacity.
- cap.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the storage capacity. This parameter overrides
.- ncap.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the new storage capacity.
- ncap.up
numeric. Upper bound of the new storage capacity.
- ncap.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the new storage capacity. This parameter overrides
.- ret.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the storage capacity retirement.
- ret.up
numeric. Upper bound of the storage capacity retirement.
- ret.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the storage capacity retirement. This parameter overrides
data.frame. Pre-charged level at the beginning of the operational cycle.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- slice
character. Time slice for which the charged level will be specified.
- charge
numeric. Pre-charged or targeted level at the specified slice.
data.frame. Storage efficiency parameters.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- slice
character. Time slice to apply the parameter, NA for every slice.
- stgeff
numeric. Storage decay annual rate.
- inpeff
numeric. Input efficiency rate.
- outeff
numeric. Output efficiency rate.
data.frame. Availability factor parameters.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- slice
character. Time slice to apply the parameter, NA for every slice.
- af.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the availability factor.
- af.up
numeric. Upper bound of the availability factor.
- af.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the availability factor. This parameter overrides
.- cinp.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the input commodity availability factor.
- cinp.up
numeric. Upper bound of the input commodity availability factor.
- cinp.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the input commodity availability factor. This parameter overrides
.- cout.lo
numeric. Lower bound of the output commodity availability factor.
- cout.up
numeric. Upper bound of the output commodity availability factor.
- cout.fx
numeric. Fixed value of the output commodity availability factor. This parameter overrides
data.frame. Auxiliary commodities efficiency parameters.
- acomm
character. Name of the auxiliary commodity (used in sets).
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- slice
character. Time slice to apply the parameter, NA for every slice.
- stg2ainp
numeric. Storaage-level-to-auxiliary-input-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cinp2ainp
numeric. Input-commodity-to-auxiliary-input-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cout2ainp
numeric. Output-commodity-to-auxiliary-input-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- stg2aout
numeric. Storage-level-to-auxiliary-output-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cinp2aout
numeric. Input-commodity-to-auxiliary-output-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cout2aout
numeric. Output-commodity-to-auxiliary-output-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cap2ainp
numeric. Capacity-to-auxiliary-input-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- cap2aout
numeric. Capacity-to-auxiliary-output-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- ncap2ainp
numeric. New-capacity-to-auxiliary-input-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- ncap2aout
numeric. New-capacity-to-auxiliary-output-commodity coefficient (multiplier).
- ncap2stg
numeric. New-capacity-to-storage-level coefficient (multiplier).
data.frame. Fixed operation and maintenance cost.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- fixom
numeric. Fixed operation and maintenance cost for the specified sets.
data.frame. Variable operation and maintenance cost.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- slice
character. Time slice to apply the parameter, NA for every slice.
- inpcost
numeric. Costs associated with the input commodity.
- outcost
numeric. Costs associated with the output commodity.
- stgcost
numeric. Costs associated with the storage level.
data.frame. Investment cost.
- region
character. Region name to apply the parameter, NA for every region.
- year
integer. Year to apply the parameter, NA for every year.
- invcost
numeric. Overnight investment cost for the specified region and year.
- wacc
numeric. Weighted average cost of capital. If not supplied, the discount from the model or scenario is used. (currently ignored)
logical. If TRUE (default), the storage technology operates between parent timeframes through the year. The last time-slice in the timeframe is used as a preciding time-slice for the first time-slice in the the same group of time-slices within the parent timeframe. if FALSE, the storage charge and discchare cycle is limited to the parent timeframe. The last time-slice in the timeframe is used as a preciding time-slice for the first time-slice in the the same group of time-slices within the parent timeframe.
numeric. Charging and discharging capacity to the storing capacity inverse ratio. Can be used to define the storage duration.
data.frame. Weather factors multipliers.
- weather
character. Name of the weather factor to apply.
- waf.lo
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the lower bound of the availability factor.
- waf.up
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the upper bound of the availability factor.
- waf.fx
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the fixed value of the availability factor. This parameter overrides
.- wcinp.lo
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the lower bound of the input commodity availability factor.
- wcinp.up
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the upper bound of the input commodity availability factor.
- wcinp.fx
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the fixed value of the input commodity availability factor. This parameter overrides
.- wcout.lo
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the lower bound of the output commodity availability factor.
- wcout.up
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the upper bound of the output commodity availability factor.
- wcout.fx
numeric. Coefficient that links the weather factor with the fixed value of the output commodity availability factor. This parameter overrides
logical. Incidates if the retirement of the storage should be optimized. Also requires the same parameter in the
class to be set to TRUE to be effective.misc
list. List of additional parameters that are not used in the model but can be used for reference or user-defined functions. For example, links to the source of the storage data, or other metadata.