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A generic method for drawing a schematic representation of processes-type classes.


draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'technology'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'storage'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'supply'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'demand'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'export'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'import'
draw(obj, ...)

# S4 method for class 'trade'
draw(obj, ...)



Additional arguments passed to the specific method.


The object to draw: technology, storage, trade, demand, supply, export, or import.


A node to draw the trade process for. node is an alias for region. Default is the first node in the trade object.


displays a schematic representation of the process, returns NULL.

A figure with a schematic representation of the export process.

A figure with a schematic representation of the import process.


TECH01 <- newTechnology(
  desc = "Technology Description",
  input = data.frame(
    comm = c("COM1", "COM2", "COM5", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9"),
    group = c("1", "1", NA, "2", "2", "2"),
    unit = c("unit1", "unit2", "unit5", "unit7", "unit8", "unit9")
  output = data.frame(
    comm = c("COM3", "COM4", "COM6"),
    group = c("3", NA, "3"),
    unit = c("unit3", "unit4", "unit6")
  group = data.frame(
    group = c("1", "2", "3"),
    desc = c("Group1", "Group2", "Group3"),
    unit = "unit"
  aux = data.frame(
    acomm = c("AUX1", "AUX2", "AUX3", "AUX4"),
    unit = c("unit1", "unit2", "unit3", "unit4")
  region = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
  geff = data.frame(
    group = c("1", "2"),
    ginp2use = c(0.12, 0.789)
  ceff = data.frame(
    comm = c("COM1", "COM2", "COM5", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "COM3", "COM4", "COM6"),
    cinp2ginp = c(.1, .2, NA, .7, .8, .9, rep(NA, 3)),
    cinp2use = c(NA, NA, .5, NA, NA, NA, rep(NA, 3)),
    use2cact = c(rep(NA, 6), .36, .4, .36),
    cact2cout = c(rep(NA, 6), .3, NA, .6),
    share.lo = c(.01, .02, NA, .07, .08, .0, .03, NA, .06),
    share.up = c(.91, .92, NA, .97, .98, 1, .83, NA, .96)
  aeff = data.frame(
    acomm = c("AUX1", "AUX2", "AUX3", "AUX4"),
    comm = c(NA, "COM1", NA, "COM3"),
    act2ainp = c(1, NA, NA, NA),
    cinp2aout = c(NA, 2, NA, NA),
    cap2aout = c(NA, NA, 3, NA),
    cout2aout = c(NA, NA, NA, 4)
  weather = data.frame(
    weather = "WEATHER_CF1",
    waf.up = .99

STG_ELC <- newStorage(
  name = "STG_ELC", # used in sets
  desc = "Electricity storage (battery)", # for own reference
  commodity = "ELECTRICITY", # must match the commodity name in the model
  aux = data.frame(
    acomm = "LITHIUM", # auxiliary commodity for battery production
    unit = "ton" # unit of the auxiliary commodity
  start = data.frame(
    start = 2020 # the first year of the process is available for installation
  end = data.frame(
    end = 2030 # last year of the process is available for installation
  olife = data.frame(
    olife = 20 # operational life of the storage in years
  seff = data.frame(
    stgeff = 0.999, # storage efficiency
    inpeff = 0.9, # charging efficiency
    outeff = 0.9 # discharging efficiency
  aeff = data.frame(
    acomm = "LITHIUM", # track lithium use for battery production
    ncap2ainp = convert(4 * 250, "Wh/kg", "GWh/kt") # lithium per energy capacity
  af = data.frame(
    # af.lo = 0., # lower bound for the capacity factor
    af.up = 1. # upper bound for the capacity factor
  fixom = data.frame(
    # region = "R1",
    # year = 2020,
    fixom = 0.9 # fixed operation and maintenance cost
  cap2stg = 4, # four-hours of storage
  invcost = data.frame(
    region = c("R1", NA), # region R1 and all other regions
    invcost = c(1e3, 1.1e3) # investment cost in MUSD/GWh of 4-hour storage
  fullYear = TRUE, # full year storage cycle
  weather = data.frame(
    weather = "AMBIENT_TEMP", # weather factor for capacity factor
    waf.up = 1 # affects upper boundary of capacity factor
    # waf.lo = 0.9 # affects lower boundary of capacity factor
  # region = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),

SUP_COA <- newSupply(
  name = "SUP_COA",
  desc = "Coal supply",
  commodity = "COA",
  unit = "PJ",
  reserve = data.frame(
    region = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
    res.up = c(2e5, 1e4, 3e6) # total reserves/deposits
  availability = data.frame(
    region = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
    year = NA_integer_,
    slice = "ANNUAL",
    ava.up = c(1e3, 1e2, 2e2), # annual availability
    cost = c(10, 20, 30) # cost of the resource (currency per unit)
  region = c("R1", "R2", "R3")

DSTEEL <- newDemand(
  name = "DSTEEL",
  desc = "Steel demand",
  commodity = "STEEL",
  unit = "Mt",
  dem = data.frame(
    region = "UTOPIA", # NA for every region
    year = c(2020, 2030, 2050),
    slice = "ANNUAL",
    dem = c(100, 200, 300)
  region = "UTOPIA", # optional, to narrow the specification of the demand

EXPOIL <- newExport(
  name = "EXPOIL", # used in sets
  desc = "Oil export from the model to RoW", # for own reference
  commodity = "OIL", # must match the commodity name in the model
  unit = "Mtoe", # for own reference
  exp = data.frame(
    region = rep(c("R1", "R2"), each = 2), # export region(s)
    year = rep(c(2020, 2050)), # export years
    price = 500, # export price in MUSD/Mtoe (USD/t),
    exp.up = rep(c(1e3, 1e4), each = 2), # upper bound for export in each year
    exp.lo = rep(c(5e2, 0), each = 2) # lower bound for export in each year

IMPOIL <- newImport(
  name = "IMPOIL", # used in sets
  desc = "Oil import to the model to RoW", # for own reference
  commodity = "OIL", # must match the commodity name in the model
  unit = "Mtoe", # for own reference
  imp = data.frame(
    region = rep(c("R1", "R2"), each = 2), # import region(s)
    year = rep(c(2020, 2050)), # import years
    price = 600, # import price in MUSD/Mtoe (USD/t),
    imp.up = rep(c(1e4, 1e6), each = 2), # upper bound for import in each year
    imp.lo = rep(c(1e4, 1e5), each = 2) # lower bound for import in each year

PIPELINE2 <- newTrade(
  name = "PIPELINE2",
  desc = "Some transport pipeline",
  commodity = "OIL",
  routes = data.frame(
    src = c("R1", "R1", "R2", "R3"),
    dst = c("R2", "R3", "R3", "R2")
  trade = data.frame(
    src = c("R1", "R1", "R2", "R3"),
    dst = c("R2", "R3", "R3", "R2"),
    teff = c(0.912, 0.913, 0.923, 0.932)
  aux = data.frame(
    acomm = c("ELC", "CH4"),
    unit = c("MWh", "kt")
  aeff = data.frame(
    acomm = c("ELC", "CH4", "ELC", "CH4"),
    src = c("R1", "R1", "R2", "R3"),
    dst = c("R2", "R2", "R3", "R2"),
    csrc2ainp = c(.5, NA, .3, NA),
    cdst2ainp = c(.4, NA, .6, NA),
    csrc2aout = c(NA, .1, NA, .2)
  olife = list(olife = 60)
draw(PIPELINE2, node = "R1")

draw(PIPELINE2, node = "R2")

draw(PIPELINE2, node = "R3")